In a world full of fake news and misinformation, our ability to choose wisely can easily become compromised.
And discover how your need to be right leads to poor decisions
Do you know why you make the decisions you make?
Are you careful to weigh out the options and move forward on the “best” path? Do you get multiple opinions and do “research?”
Are you confident you will achieve your goals based on the choices you have already made?
Unfortunately, as human beings, we have a built-in mechanism that limits how much we are actually assessing when we make decisions…
Researchers call it Cognitive Bias, and it’s a well-documented limitation in your natural objective thinking that leads us to shortcut our decision making process.
We must move beyond this limiting mechanism –
moving beyond that requires effort, awareness, vigilance –
You don’t have to go it alone!
That’s exactly what you will get when you join us in the online workshop…
This powerful 4 week, interactive online workshop has been designed specifically to deliver the results you are used to, but through effective online learning methods.
After this workshop you'll...
- Learn the specific ways that your biases have you unable to change - even when you need & want to!
- Understand how cognitive biases keep you locked in justification and righteousness.
- Have powerful tools to self-correct and shift more quickly into a mind of creativity & possibility!
Workshop Schedule
Live ONLINE and interactive!
Course Begins - July 16th
Live Session #1 - July 23rd, 7-8:30pm
Small Group Coaching - July 27th
Live Session #2 - July 30th, 7-8:30pm
Small Group Coaching - August 3rd
Final Live Session - August 6th, 7-8:30pm
All session are live ONLINE and interactive!
Don’t Delay - Registration closes
Monday, July 20th
Satisfaction Guaranteed
We have been delivering transformational results for nearly 30 years – we know that if you engage in this material and participate with our coaches, this course will make a lasting difference in your life.
If you participate and do not feel that we fulfilled this promise, just reach out and we will make it right.